Ansible vs SaltStack - Which Configuration Management Tool is More Efficient?

January 25, 2022


As the IT infrastructures and applications grow more complex and extensive, cloud automation has become an indispensable part of managing these systems. Configuration management tools like Ansible and SaltStack assist organizations with provisioning, configuring, and managing their infrastructure and services seamlessly. In this article, we will provide an unbiased comparison between Ansible and SaltStack to determine which is more efficient.

Ansible vs SaltStack


Ansible is an open-source automation tool popularly used for configuration management, application deployment, and infrastructure provisioning. With over 2800 contributors, Ansible's vast community ensures the tool's reliability and ease of use. Ansible's simple and intuitive YAML-based script language can provision an extensive collection of systems and services, including servers, networks, and public clouds.

One of Ansible's strengths is its agentless architecture, allowing it to perform ad-hoc commands and automate configurations remotely with zero infrastructure. Despite being agentless, Ansible still has a wide range of modules for configuration management and post-deployment validation, ensuring the productivity and integrity of your infrastructure.


SaltStack is another open-source configuration management tool used for infrastructure automation, cloud orchestration, and network automation. SaltStack's flexibility makes it ideal for managing complex setups with ease. SaltStack uses a master-slave model, where the master pushes configurations and commands to the Salt-minion agents, making SaltStack better suited for large or distributed setups.

SaltStack's architecture allows for excellent scalability, providing option for deployment in a secure and hardened configuration, parallel or distributed command execution, and easy management of configurations through custom modules. SaltStack also supports both push and pull model, making it a versatile option for complex system infrastructures.

Efficiency Comparison

Both Ansible and SaltStack have unique features that contribute to their efficiency in use when automating infrastructure tasks. However, depending on the use case, one may be more efficient than the other.


In terms of speed, SaltStack is known for its superior performance in handling large-scale setups. In comparison, Ansible is known for being slower when handling extensive configurations due to its agentless architecture.

Ease of Use

As stated earlier, Ansible is known for its user-friendly interface and community support, making it more accessible to new users. SaltStack, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve and a smaller community, making it more of a challenge for beginners.


SaltStack and Ansible have robust security features integrated into their architectures. However, SaltStack has more precise control over configurations and better suited for large-scale setups with strict security requirements.


Choosing between Ansible and SaltStack entirely depends on your use case and specific requirements. Both tools have their individual strengths and weaknesses in different areas, such as speed, ease of use, and security. Consider your setup's scale and complexity, the size of your IT team, and available expertise in determining which of these tools is more efficient for you.


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